Meet the team

The objectives
of iCCaRE

is to fight prostate cancer in the Black community all over the world

AJ Merriweather

Since 2013 Mr. Merriweather has been a powerful advocate for prostate cancer in the community locally in Jacksonville and nationally. He is a trusted member of the community and is relied on by community members for information related to prostate cancer, access to care and clinical trials. Mr. Merriweather has travelled the United States speaking to diverse groups of men and their family on the importance of prostate cancer screening and sharing his experience.

Mr. Merriweather serves as the lead community MPI on the DOD funded inclusive Cancer Care Research equity (iCCaRE) for Black men consortium grant. He leads the community Advisory Board (CAB), Partnership and Engagement Services (PES), and provides insight on Pilot Project 1, which explores the feasibility of a point of prostate cancer diagnosis intervention for newly diagnosed Black menHe provides valuable feedback on the measures that will be administered to patients at point of prostate cancer diagnosis and during their survivorship. In addition, as a veteran he has been involved developing the American Legion Post 197 (Post 197) as a community health hub. Mr. Merriweather also serves as the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN) ambassador for Florida. Through his involvement with PHEN he organizes events at the Post 197 for the community that includes webinars, educational materials and workshops. 

iCCaRE Pilot Projects

Pilot Project 1

will develop a Virtual Robot Assistant (ViRA) for Black men newly diagnosed        

Pilot Project 2

Will assess the impact of patient-centered home cancer care                                          

Pilot Project 3

Will develop ViRA to improve quality of life in Black prostate cancer survivors

Pilot Project 4

Will assess and address social determinants of health needs of sub-Saharan African immigrant prostate cancer survivors  

Pilot Project 5

Will explore how biological factors contribute to poor mental health of prostate cancer survivors