Core Services
Translational Prostate Cancer Disparities Research in Black Populations
Partnership and Engagement Services (PES)
MPI Liaison
- Dr. Kimlin Ashing | VIEW MORE
PES Information
- Facilitate community empowerment and outreach as well as the engagement of minority providers/community providers with a large population of prostate cancer patients.
- Partnership with community physicians and community-based organizations
- Expansion of accessible iCCaRE community hubs in US and Nigeria
- Bidirectional engagement of Black communities
- Public dissemination of scientific discoveries by Consortium investigators publicly and also targeting Black veterans.
- Cancer Research Digest
- Recruitment of subjects or the acquisition of samples. In partnership with MaMS and PaBR, collaboratively handle the recruitment of subjects and acquisition of samples as follows:
- a community-based iCCaRE registry will be developed to prospectively recruit ethnically-diverse Black men in the US and participating West African countries in order to foster prospective participant match for Consortium projects and prospective biospecimen donation for research
- coordination of the collection of behavioral and epidemiological data for all Consortium projects. Data collection will be coordinated leveraging the resources of the Minority Behavioral lab at the Mayo Clinic CRCH and the African Behavioral Research (ABeR) Center Behavioral Lab in Nigeria using validated measures;
- Assist with recruitment for biological samples.